Tukios & GriefPlan

Funeral Homes & Cemeteries Can Provide Comprehensive Grief Support for Their Entire Community for $1/Day

I have partnered with Tukios to allow select funeral homes & cemeteries to place my GriefPlan Video program on their website.

The truth is that people do not want to read long blog posts or articles. They prefer short videos. The GriefPlan program is comprised of 65+ 3-5 minute videos to help the bereaved heal, remember, and rebuild after loss.

What is this?

Tukios will add the 65+ videos of the GriefPlan Program on a special page on your website. Visitors to your website will have free and confidential access to the videos. No information is gathered and I will never contact or try to sell something to your families.
Furthermore, you will receive free marketing materials, including a branded handout & social media posts, to help share this resource in your community.

What does it include?

What does it look like?

Click the link to see the GriefPlan program on a funeral home website: Geib Funeral Homes & Crematories

How much does it cost?

Unlimited access to the video program for one website is only $1/day ($365 billed annually).

How do I sign up?

Simply contact me or your Tukios representative to enroll in the program.

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