Speaking & Workshops

I provide presentations, webinars, & workshops for 3 different audiences.

1) Funeral & Cemetery Professional Organizations

I have spoken at conventions & conferences for NFDA, ICCFA, CANA, Selected Independent, OGR, and over 20 state funeral director associations. I frequently provide CE/CEU webinars for professional organizations. My reviews show that 95+% would recommend me as a speaker to others.


Speaking Topics Include:

  • Battling Burnout & Building Resilience

  • Defusing Conflict in the Arrangement Room: Strategies from Family Therapists

  • Stepping Out of the Shadows: How Funeral Directors Can Promote Themselves Without Being 'Salesy'

  • Funeral Home Facebook Workshop (hands-on workshop)

  • Why Funeral Professionals Must Be the Grief Experts in Their Communities

  • The Big 5 Changes in Grief (and Why Funeral Professionals Should Care)

  • The Future of Funeral Service is Emotional (Emotional Intelligence)


 2) Continuing Education for Funeral, Hospice, & Mental Health Professionals

Often sponsored by funeral homes, I provide CE workshops and presentations that build relationships with local hospice professionals, mental health professionals, & clergy.

Most Popular CE Presentation: “A Shared Calling, A Shared Burden” - A program about the common causes of burnout in hospice professionals, clergy, & funeral professionals.

 3) Community Presentations & Remembrance Events


I frequently speak to community groups about grief. Topics include:

  • Grief During the Holidays

  • Finding Balance in Grief

  • Pet Loss: It’s a Big Deal

  • Men’s Grief: It’s Complicated

  • Grief Myths: Preventing Unnecessary Pain

I also speak at funeral home-sponsored “Remembrance Events” that honor loved ones who have died in the previous year, etc.

 Speaking Fees & Arrangements

I wish I could be more specific, but my speaking fees vary from $0 to upper 4-figures. My fees depend on the location of the event, time of year, audience, opportunity to share my services & products, & other factors. I almost always ask for the sponsoring organization to cover lodging and reasonable travel from Knoxville, TN. In some cases I am able to coordinate a corporate sponsor to cover my speaking fees — but this focuses specifically on the topic of burnout in funeral professionals.

The best way to determine if I’m a good fit for your event is simply to contact me and chat about it.